26 Jul
🧬How PH levels can affect the Retention of False Lashes . . . Here is some Examples of what can be sitting on the surface of the lashes prior to lash cleaning along with their PH Scales: Shampoo 3.5-9.0 Natural Oils 5.5 Skin Creams and Toners 4.5-5 Now, This is what can be used to cleanse lashes prior to lash appointment and infill: Distilled water 7 Saline 5.5 See the Difference?! ‼️Important part‼️ * Lash Adhesive is massively affected by...
20 Jul
It's Getting Hot In Here🔆 It's July the sun is here.... But how can this affect us lash technicians? As the UK gets hotter, we have to start thinking about how we store our adhesives, how we must adapt to lashing in the heat and what you need to survive this heat wave😎 Adhesives When it comes to the hear our adhesives are massively impacted by the heat as humidity and temperature can cause our glues to dry quickly than...
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