Where are all the premade fans?
Let's talk about the Premade fan shortage ...
If you're a lover of Dollce Doll's Premade Fans, you'll know that we've been out of our Premade fans for a long time now! The Premade fan shortage has impacted massively other lash brands in the lash industry,and it appears it's not slowing down.
We always like to be transparent and open with our loyal dolls, so we would like to explain the reasons why there's a shortage of Premade fans at the moment.
Over the last few months, the effects of the global pandemic have had a significant impact on production. This, combined with the political issues has meant there has been a delay and shortage in the supply of materials used in the production of Premade fans.
We don't want to be out of stock as we feel like we are letting you down, we always want to provide our community with the lashes they need for their clients. Unfortunately, this issue has impacted other lash brands globally and after many months things are still not clear as to when the issue will be resolved.
The good news is that we have plenty of stock of the following trays:
Promades, Wispy Promades & Prepared Strip Promades!
We will be sure to update everyone as soon as we have further updates. Please keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook for any updates.